Tamron 28-300mm f3.5-6.3 DI VC PZD

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Viestit: 801
Liittynyt: Marras 02, 2005 23 : 48

Tamron 28-300mm f3.5-6.3 DI VC PZD

Viesti Kirjoittaja murmelt »

Cloudcity. Uuden ajan pilvipalvelu.
Viestit: 801
Liittynyt: Marras 02, 2005 23 : 48

Viesti Kirjoittaja murmelt »

"The lens balances very nicely on the 6D or 5D. If you omit the extra grip/battery that fits on those full-frame DSLRs and slap on the Tamron lens, you’re looking at a total package that’s not that much bigger or heavier than the largest mirrorless systems, but that delivers greater performance in terms of speed and image quality."
http://www.pdnonline.com/gear/Product-R ... 1798.shtml
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